"Think about your own potential impact just by being mindful of the people you know, or the businesses you visit."

Being mindful takes very little time and energy, but it can have an impact on you and others. I had a conversation with someone recently about being truly supportive of people you know and also extending your influence beyond your circle with small gestures. This is one of the aspects of community I feel is important and can make our economy stronger.
I’m an entrepreneur and have been growing a Canadian business for 17 years. I have clients in four amazing provinces and most of their businesses are run by other entrepreneurs. We not only contribute to the economy, but we are in the happiness business. It may seem difficult to support what I/we do, but I guarantee you likely already do it by supporting and enjoying art, culture and entertainment. I have many artist friends and colleagues who are promoters, agents, talent buyers, venue managers, or festival owners and employees. By supporting local arts, culture and entertainment, you are building an industry that supports many people’s livelihoods, including mine.
Think about your own potential impact just by being mindful of the people you know, or the businesses you visit. I made a realization that my mindful decisions can help grow the Alberta economy with simple choices. I enjoy scheduling work meetings at Crum Coffee Bar, a local coffee shop that carries baked goods from a great local bakery called Food in the NūD. I had the pleasure of going to my friend Denise Lefebvre’s new restaurant Sweet Pea Cafe & Playhouse and love attending her Red Pepper Painting Parties. I also love and collect Giselle Denis Fine Artist’s work. I recently bought three signature wardrobe pieces from my friend’s new clothing brand Emmy Deveaux and love reading Kari Skelton’s blog and local list. I switched my insurance to The Co-operators office of my colleague Mike Kelemen because he supports my business. I am planning a pedicure night at my friend Cori White’s beautiful spa Body Polish Day Spa. I frequently eat at The Workshop Eatery and Chartier, because they have amazing food and are passionate community supporters and builders.
These are just a few examples of how to make mindful decision that matter. I encourage you to think about how you can personally build and contribute in big or small ways.
Support people who create content or run a business admire. My list is very long!
Sarah J Leib Realtor, Posh Pooch Hotel and Daycare, Real Deal Meats Ltd., Triska Automotive, Jills Dills Pure Wellness Studio, Production World, Trixstar, Big Valley Jamboree, Extreme MudFest Country Thunder Music Festivals, Clayton Bellamy, Bone & Biscuit, Cozy Kitty Accommodations, Metamorphic Massage and Wellness Inc., Yelo'd Classic, Landscapes Limited